I have a few different blogs. One is for my business, one is for fun and things I collect, and this one, this one is for a more down-home, this is me and my opinions, and the stuff I do sort of blog. It's going to be a bit more fun and a bit more shoot from the hip. Here, as opposed to my other blogs, you will hear me exclaim for joy the wonders of life and the value of home. You will hear me extolling the virtues of family and the joys of being owned by four cats. Here, you will hear me laugh at myself (and perhaps ocassionally at others), talk about the blessings in this little life I live and the surprises that come about each day, week, month, or year. (Sometimes surprises can be few and far between. I don't want to commit to having to let you in on surprises every day or even every week if they decide to go on a dry spell.) I will also share with you the wisdom and the hilarity I find within the antique and vintage books I purchase and read. I will share with you the wonders of the past (albeit, fairly limited to what I know of them and what I come across), and brief notes on history and nostalgia, when I feel like it.
In this blog you will also hear me gripe, whine, nag, complain, get ticked off, and shoot from the hip about everything I mentioned above and probably more. Hopefully all with a blend of humor to it.
I decided not to caution myself too much here, but also to not go overboard and be ghastly and atrocious, which is really not in my nature anyway. I will get carried away on the issues of my day, the environment, and spiritual and religious interests and perspectives sometimes perhaps. But all from my very limited ideas and knowledge that I have about the subjects. Take each post with a grain of salt or with the weight of the world... it's all up to you. I'm just throwing it out there.
... And, while I do not wish to offend, upset, confuse, dismay, or vindicate anyone out there, it may from time to time happen. Unknowingly and definitely unintentionally. I never like to upset people, but I have my own opinions. I am open to yours as well. Just be gentle with me. For even though I talk mightily, I bruise easily.
I hope you will enjoy your visit here and I do hope you will come again. I'm going to be working on setting this up for the next few days from the comfort of my sofa while working around a house guest (my son's friend), and some projects I'm working on for my store, and nursing a kidney infection. The fun never ends.
Oh, and I apologize for having three blogs all spread out and about different things. I was going to just connect this one to my other two, but it just didn't seem right for some reason. So... here it is. I may come to regret it sometime in the future. Who knows? "Oh my gosh! What was I thinking?" But, alas, for now, here it is as it is and here we go...
Welcome to Mizzus G. on This and That!
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